Words You May Hear From Your Phoenix AC Contractor

Looking for a way to impress your friends at the next cocktail party or game night? Try throwing around some air conditioning and heating terminology.

Ok, in all seriousness, you may think you’ll never need to know the meaning behind words like SEER. But in Arizona, where we rely very heavily on our home air conditioning systems, your Phoenix air conditioning system is bound to need repair or replacement at some time. And understanding some of the commonly-used HVAC terms will help you understand what your Phoenix AC contractor from Chas Roberts Air Conditioning & Plumbing technician is talking about when he assesses your system.

So here’s a quick explanation of just some of the oft-used terms in HVAC.

Btu: This stands for British thermal unit and is a measurement of heat energy. Air conditioning system sizes are noted in Btus: the higher the Btu rating, the greater the heating capacity of the system.

Electronic air cleaners: These cleaners remove dust particles and pollen from the air you breathe inside your home. They are especially helpful for people who have asthma or other respiratory illnesses.

ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program focused on energy efficiency in air conditioning and heating systems, and many other household appliances. Items with the ENERGY STAR label tell consumers that the item or appliance is energy-efficient.

Programmable thermostat: These are thermostats that allow you to control the temperature in your home at different times of day by pre-setting your Phoenix air conditioning temperatures and times. With this type of thermostat, you can save time and money by adjusting the temperature for times when you are home and when you are not.

Refrigerant: This is the chemical inside air conditioning systems that produces a cooling effect by expanding or vaporizing. Newer residential systems use R-410A, a chlorine-free refrigerant that meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) newer and more stringent environmental guidelines.

SEER: SEER stands for “seasonal energy efficiency ratio.” Every air conditioning and heating system has a SEER rating, usually ranging from 13 to 17. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy efficient the equipment is, and a system with a higher SEER can result in lower energy costs.

Split system: Most central air conditioning systems are a split system. Split systems have three recognizable components: an outdoor metal cabinet that housed the condenser and compressor; an indoor cabinet that holds the evaporator coil; and an air handler that sends cool air through the duct system.

Can’t keep all of these terms straight? Don’t worry, you don’t need to. The experts at Chas Roberts can help you with any HVAC need. To schedule an appointment, visit ChasRoberts.com or call (602) 943-3426 in Phoenix or (520) 292-6858 in Tucson.