What to Do in Phoenix Air Conditioning Emergencies

On the days that have heat advisories, we thank the heavens above that we have Phoenix air conditioning. But what do we do on that dreaded day when the A/C goes out? Excessive heat is not just uncomfortable, it can be a health hazard. While you are waiting for Phoenix AC repair, here are some ways to handle the heat without putting yourself at risk.

Go to the Mall
Not to shop, just to get out of the heat (but for the shopaholics this can be a good excuse to go). In fact, briskly walking the mall can be a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the cooling breeze of free A/C.

Go to the Movies
Another way to enjoy some chilled air. Enjoy a summer movie while cooling off with a slushy and a plush theater chair.

• Go to a Museum
Check out the MIM, the Phoenix Art Museum, or the Heard Museum and get your culture fix, while staying comfortably indoors.

• Indoor Pet Park
If you have pets, they are at just a great of a risk as you are from overheating. Take them to an indoor pet park where they will be safe from the extreme heat.

• Swim
Grab your bathing suit and take a dip! Be sure to apply several coats of sunscreen.

• Fans Galore
Assuming your home’s power is still working and the air conditioner simply malfunctioned, blast fans of all kinds to keep the air circulating. Ceiling fans, handheld fans, plugin fans . . . turn them all on high.

• Take a Drive
Hopefully your vehicle has air conditioning. If it does, this is the time to run your errands and blast the car’s A/C while you’re at it.

• Water Park
Turn a broken air conditioner into a family outing! Drive down to one of the valley’s water parks and have a blast.

• Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
If you can bear the heat, you may want to just stay home and drink some icy beverages. Make sure you are keeping your fluids replenished. Chances are, you are sweating a lot of them out!

• Crash with a Friend
Phoenix AC repair is usually pretty prompt, but if you find yourself waiting longer than you like, call up a friend and ask to stay at their place for a little while.

Phoenix air conditioning is at your fingertips! Call Chas Roberts today for more information. For more HVAC articles, check out our blog.