Why It’s Important to Work with a Licensed, Experienced Contractor

From faulty fuses to a weakened capacitor, when it comes to Phoenix heating and air conditioning, it’s always best to trust the professionals.

While there are certain things you can do to prevent system failure – such as keeping your air filter clean and in good shape – when it comes to most repairs and maintenance, the only person you’ll want working on your unit is a licensed and experienced contractor.

The Importance of Being Licensed

When you’re battling the summertime woes due to a faulty air conditioning system in the midst of Arizona heat, the last thing you want is a contractor learning on the job. At reputable companies like Chas Roberts, professionals are thoroughly trained before stepping foot onto a client’s property. By going through a rigorous program, each and every one of our contractors receives licensing at the very beginning of his or her extensive Chas Roberts career.

The Importance of Experience

And while we place great value on training and licensing, when it comes to your Phoenix heating and air conditioning system, we believe there’s another valuable asset every Chas Roberts contractor needs to have: experience. When a contractor combines a thorough education with a significant amount of on-the-job experience the result is not just a professional who can accurately identify a problem; the result is one who can effectively and efficiently solve it. Whether a repair, a replacement, or simple routine maintenance, when an experienced contractor shows up to assess a heating or air conditioning system situation, you can instantly expect nothing less than peace of mind.

To learn more about Phoenix heating services or to schedule an appointment with a Chas Roberts professional today, visit ChasRoberts.com or call (602) 943-3426 in Phoenix, (520) 618-1884 in Tucson or (505) 264-7257 in New Mexico.