Hydro Jetting Vs Snaking Your Sewer Drains

Clogged drains and sewage pipes are a headache that most homeowners will face. It’s important to understand what action is needed when facing a clogged drain so the homeowner can respond promptly to avoid further costly repairs.

While some clogs can be managed without professional help, it’s best to contact a plumbing expert if the clog persists after attempts to clear the drain fail.

Depending on the type of clog, a plumbing professional will recommend hydro jetting or snaking to remove any obstructions.

Learn about hydro Jetting and snaking to determine which method is best for your home’s plumbing system.

What is Hydro Jetting a Pipe?

Hydro jetting is a common process performed by a licensed plumber, that clears slow moving drains and clogged sewage pipes of debris buildup.

With hydro jetting, high-pressure water will flow through your plumbing pipes to remove any blockage, including grease, soap scum, hair, mineral and limescale buildup, and even tree roots.

Hydro jetting is suitable for most drain types including cast iron, PVC, and copper.

This powerful cleaning method is an effective way to clean and prevent future clogs and expensive plumbing repairs.

What is the Hydro Jetting Process?

Using a hydro jet is a safe and effective way to clear your drains and sewer lines of any obstructions that could lead to a clog.

Below is a summary of the steps involved in hydro jetting your home’s plumbing line:

  1. Contact your local licensed plumber to schedule a plumbing system cleanout.
  2. The plumber will then use a camera to inspect your plumbing and drain to ensure your pipes are compatible with hydro jetting. During this step, the plumber should look for any damages, such as cracked or crumbling pipes, which could get worse during hydro jetting.
  3. After identifying that your plumbing system is compatible with hydro jetting, the plumber will insert a jetting hose into your plumbing system and will attach the hose to a water tank that pressurizes the water.
  4. Based on the conditions of your pipe, the plumber will adjust the water pressure accordingly. Typically, hydro jetting requires the water pressure to be set at about 1,500 psi – 5,000 psi.
  5. As the process begins, the hose will move upstream through your plumbing lines as it removes any build-up that is stuck on the interior pipe walls.
  6. Gravity will do the rest by flushing the debris down and away from your home through your pipes.

What is Snaking a Pipe?

Snaking a clogged drain is another effective method to remove any debris that is preventing proper drainage.

A professional plumber will use a powered or motorized device to snake your drain. In this type of snaking, the auger is made up of a long metal coil that can be inserted into your drain to reach the obstruction.

The motor will then rotate the coil to latch onto the debris and break down the clog for easier removal.

Only a trained plumbing professional should operate a motorized drain auger to prevent drainpipe damage.

Contact a plumbing pro to snake your drains if you’re experiencing any type of clog.

What is the Snaking Process?

Snaking a drain using a motorized device is an efficient and effective way to clear out a clogged drain.

Here are the steps you can expect a plumbing professional to take when using a powered snaking device:

  1. To begin, your plumber will remove the lid, p-trap, or other parts to insert the snake cable properly.
  2. Next your plumber, will remove about three feet of the cable from drum and slide a guide tube over the cable.
  3. The plumber may add any necessary attachments to the cable to help remove debris and place the cable into the drain.
  4. After turning on the machine and ensuring the feed lever is in the forward position, the cable will begin to move down into your plumbing line. Your plumber will adjust the speed of the cable based on pressure and resistance.
  5. Once the plumber reaches the obstruction, the lever will be put into neutral so the snake can slowly and meticulously dislodge the cause of the blockage.
  6. When your plumber no longer feels resistance, they will run water through your drain to wash away the blockage and will turn the feed lever in to reverse to remove the cable.


If the clog persists after attempting to clear your drains, it is time to contact a plumbing professional. Get rid of the clog and call Chas Roberts to get the job done right.

Chas Roberts is the largest HVAC and plumbing provider in Arizona and has been family-owned and operated for over 75 years. Contact us for reliable, affordable service.