Arizona’s Hot Temperature History

here were you on March 26, 1988? If you were in Phoenix, you may not remember, but it was a very hot day. In fact, March 26, 1988, was the earliest day of the year that Phoenix has ever reached 100 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

Typically, the temperature hits the 100 degree mark in Phoenix sometime in mid-May. Then, it exceeds 110 degrees for much of the summer. Finally in September, it starts to come down.

Why is Phoenix So Hot?

Many people assume Phoenix is so hot because it’s in the desert. That’s not the case. There are three factors that determine the average temperatures of any location: are altitude (height above sea level), latitude (distance from equator of the earth) and any mitigating factors (like being near a big body of water).

The elevation of Phoenix is low – 1,200 feet. The higher the elevation, the less air above, so the density and pressure of the air gets thinner. And less air pressure results in lower temperatures. Also, Phoenix is not near an ocean or sea. Water temperatures don’t generally change as fast as air temperature so large bodies of water tend to act as a heat pump for the coastal lands.

And you’re certainly familiar with all of the homes, buildings and concrete structures around Phoenix? These don’t help when it comes to temperature either. Areas with a lot of concrete and buildings – known as urban heat islands – are hotter than those with more vegetation.

How to Stay Cool

Hot temperatures aren’t just uncomfortable. They can also be bad for your health. Under normal conditions, our skin, blood vessels and perspiration levels adjust to the heat. If exposed to high temperatures for too long, these systems can fail. When this happens, you’re at high risk for heat cramps, exhaustion and stroke.

It’s best to stay indoors as much as possible during sweltering Phoenix summers. A properly working home air conditioning system is critical, which is why air conditioning repair in Phoenix is so rampant this time of year. If your system isn’t working, you shouldn’t wait too long before seeking AC repair in Phoenix. Consult a reputable HVAC contractor with certified technicians.

Chas Roberts Air Conditioning & Plumbing, the largest provider of air conditioning repair in Phoenix, can help – contact us today! To schedule an appointment, visit or call (602) 943-3426 in Phoenix, (520) 618-1884 in Tucson or (505) 264-7257 in New Mexico.