7 Myths About Water Filtration

Pure and clean water is one of the basic necessities of life. Today, in developed countries like the United States, worries about serious waterborne illnesses are rare. However, it’s fair to have some concern if the water coming out of your tap has a questionable odor, taste, or color. Water filtration systems, from pitchers to attachments for faucets to whole-home solutions, help provide pure water for drinking by removing contaminants. For the best results, we recommend a whole house water filtration system to ensure that all the faucets, showers, and other plumbing fixtures in your home have access to properly filtered water. There are two basic types of whole house water filtration systems.

Carbon whole house filtration systems

Carbon whole house filtration systems are an economical choice for homeowners looking to improve the purity of their water. They use a three-stage filter system to eliminate a variety of harmful elements in the water.

Stage 1: A pre-filter that removes sediment, rust, and other large contaminants.

Stage 2: A copper-zinc blend filter that removes chlorine, mercury, lead, nickel, and other dissolved metals.

Stage 3: A carbon/activated carbon filter that removes harmful organic compounds like VOCs.

Reverse osmosis (RO) whole house filtration systems

Reverse osmosis whole house filtration systems are a more effective, but more expensive, filtration option that use pressure to remove contaminants by forcing water molecules through a semipermeable membrane.

Whole house filtration systems: myths and facts

While whole house filtration systems are popular, they’re not always well understood. Here are seven common myths about water filtration systems, and the facts behind them, so you can decide if one is right for your home.

Myth #1: Public water meets the highest quality standards

If you live in an area that hasn’t had any publicly reported problems about its water quality, you probably assume your tap water meets a very high standard for purity and cleanliness. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.

Although water municipalities provide more than 80% of people living in the United States with drinking water, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not require public drinking water to be 100% pure. In fact, you might be shocked to discover the EPA’s long list of contaminants—including pesticides, hormones, and pharmaceuticals – that municipal water is treated for, but not completely free of.

In addition, the disinfecting chemicals municipalities use to kill off dangerous microbes can negatively affect the smell and taste of public water, although most people become used to it over time and don’t notice it.

Myth #2: Relying on bottled water is cheaper than a whole house filtration system

If you don’t trust the tap water in your home, one common alternative is relying on bottled water. Whether you buy it by the case or by the gallon, all those trips to the grocery store add up fast. In fact, bottled water costs 2000 times as much as tap water. While there are upfront costs of a whole house filtration system, you can save money in the long run and cut down on waste in the process. The plastics used in water bottles overwhelmingly end up in landfills, and take up to 1,000 years to decompose, releasing toxic chemicals in the process. Not to mention the fact that bottling, transporting, and storing bottled water burns massive amounts of fossil fuels. For the good of your wallet, your home, and the environment, consider ditching bottled water for a whole house filtration system.

Myth #3: Bottled water is safer than filtered tap water

The single-use plastics used in water bottles pose health risks, particularly if the bottle is reused. Chemicals such as DHEA (a possible carcinogen) and BBP (a potential hormone disruptor) can leech out of the bottle and into the water you’re drinking. The porous nature of plastic makes it easy for bacteria to set up shop and make themselves at home within the bottle.

Myth #4: If you have a water softener, you don’t need a water filtration system

Water softeners are only designed to reduce the hardness – or amount of dissolved minerals, such calcium and magnesium – of your water. They don’t remove any other contaminants that may be present in the water, including those that impact taste. However, a water softener and water filtration system can work in tandem to give your home the purest water possible.

Myth #5 – Filtered water removes minerals you need to stay healthy

Although it’s true that water filtration does remove minerals, this won’t negatively impact your health, because you get most of the minerals you need from food rather than water. So, if you’re concerned about getting enough minerals in your diet, focus on eating healthy and don’t worry about the negligible effect of drinking filtered water.

Myth #6 – Whole house water filtration systems damage appliances

Much like how a water softener improves the efficiency and extends the lifespan of water heaters, washing machines, and dishwashers by preventing the damage of hard water, a water filtration protects appliances. Because a whole house water filtration system containing active carbon removes chlorine, it keeps the rubber parts of these appliances from drying out. That means fewer repairs and less need for replacement parts.

Myth #7 – Whole house water filtration systems are expensive to maintain

Like any other appliance you purchase to make your family happier, healthier, and more comfortable a whole house water filtration system must be maintained to deliver the benefits you bought it for. The good news is that taking care of a system, so it runs at peak efficiency, requires little more than replacing the filter cartridges. Some systems last years. Others need to be replaced a few times a year.

Contact Chas Roberts for all your water filtration system needs

Whether you’re interested in a simple under sink filter or have a whole house water filtration system installed, call Chas Roberts. We’ve helped countless Arizona families improve the taste, smell, and safety of their water with solutions like particle filtration, activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and more. Contact us today for all your water filtration needs.